
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all.”
Benjamin Franklin
Mr.Franklin has spoken words of wisdom. By this statement he shows us that we can have everything we would every want in life but without a good heart there is no point in having any in having any of that. If you do not have a good heart people will view you as evil and would not want to hang around you no matter who you are and what you have. On the other hand you can be the poorest or be the weakest but if you have a good heart people will want to be around you and will want to help you in any way you would need. For example if you are the best player on the team but have a rotten heart then people will not want to be around you. Another example is if you are the wealthiest person in school and are mean to everyone. If you are mean to everyone people will not want to be friends with you or be around you in general, and if they do then they are just using you for your money. On the other hand if you are poor and can not afford much but have a great heart people will love to be around you and want to help you with anything you might need. In addition if you are quiet and prefer to be inside reading a book all day and are a by yourself in school. It will not matter because one day you will find at least one friend that enjoys all the same things you do. If you are nice and give out respect to everyone people will be nice back and give you the same respect. However if you are rude and mean to everyone then they will do the same to you. You receive what you give. The idea of this statement is that you recieve what you get.

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