
Friday, June 9, 2017

Student Success Statement
“You will go far with CTR.”

In my opinion I think this quote is very important. My reason for this is because CTR is the only way to lead a good life. You can’t succeed without being a CTR person. When you CTW you might be successful for a while but it will not last long. By CTW you are setting yourself up for failure. Don’t worry it is never too late to CTR. Something you should remember before making an impacting decision is which choice is the best choice to make. By making the right choice your are building yourself ladders to success. Making good decisions will only take you higher instead of dropping you down. Even though it may seem as you are losing right now, if you make good decisions then you will succeed for the rest of your life. An example of this would be if you decide to work hard on your education now. Later in life you will not have to work hard and will just be able to relax. Another example is if you have a good character then you will not have to worry about needing assistance in time of need because you have already helped other people and they will want to do the same for
Class Evaluation
In this class what I enjoyed the most where the CTR experiences. I enjoyed them because I liked seeing real life people taking their time to do what’s right. It gave me joy to see people really are willing to save humanity and change the social norms. We shouldn’t let our pride get in the way of doing acts of kindness. Good character is far more important than being able to boast about anything you have accomplished. It gave me hope from humans. This showed me that people really do have it in them to change. Second chances are a beautiful thing that can change someone’s life for the better.
What I hated most about this class was having to write in our goals journal during the block. I hated the silence that went around the room. It made me feel trapped. I like doing things because I want to and not because I’m forced to. When I write in my goals journal I like being outdoors, enjoying nature and my surroundings. I love being able to see the world while I write down the goals that will change MY WORLD.
Something I would recommend for this class is to have more movement. I dreaded coming to this class because I realized that I would be confined by technology and wouldn’t have the opportunity to interact with individuals. I think movement is important because then students will be bored and won’t have the opportunity to show their true potential. Also I suggest more freedom and activities. When you have activities students will look forward to coming to your class instead of dreading every moment.
The highlight of this class was writing the Student Success Statements. I love quotes and by being able to reflect of them I was able to find some truly amazing ones. This gave me the opportunity to find myself, my likes and dislikes. When I would do my reflection I put so much thought into them. I had the opportunity to voice my opinions and actually be thought about. Reflecting was a beautiful thing for me. It showed em I was truly poetic and did have very big opinions that should be heard and thought about.
In my opinion I think I did do my best in this class. I tried my hardest in every activity thrown my way. No matter how much I hated the task at hand there was always effort present. I always did the required work and sometimes more. I put thought and effort in every task. My opinions and morals were present every reflection.
No I wasn't reading my life planning goals for at least  5 minutes daily. My reasons for this was because I hated it. I hated the fact that it was a requirement instead of a choice. If it was a choice I would put my all into it. I do not like to plan I like to wait and see what is in store for me. Planning was never one of my strong suits.
Yes I am definitely committed to being a CTR person. In this class I learned so much about CTR and how it can affect your life in many positive ways. It showed me that the best thing to do was always the right thing. By doing right you are ensured about a happy and peaceful life. I learned that CTR is the best choice you can make. I was always a person of right and have a good charter but now I can actually make the commitment. I am grateful for all the lessons and experiences I'Ve made in this clas. CTR is a way of life for me now and I will continue to teach it to my generations that come and so forth.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Student Success Statement
“THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is to be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT 24/7!!!”
This is a marvelous statement. When you make the choice to become a CTR person you no longer have to worry about any bad repercussions coming your way. When you live as a CTR person all your goals will automatically be accomplished. By choosing the right you out all your strengths to accomplishing your goals. By being a CTR person people will want to help you accomplish your goals. You live a life full of peace and freedom. By choosing the right you will go far and nothing will stop you. When you choose the right the sky truly is the limit. CTR gives you million of great opportunity. When you CTR life is full of open doors. An example would be if you're a CTR person and your goal is to accomplish high school then it will automatically be accomplished because you will give it your all since you are a CTR person.
Deputy Sheriff
I choose this topic because I am friends of some deputies and I would like to see what it takes to become one. In addition I would like to see what responsibilities it comes with. There are also many risks they have to take to become one. As a deputy sheriff it is their duty to protect citizens no matter at what cost. Other responsibilities as a deputy sheriff would be performing investigations, answering calls of distress, and occasionally testifying in court. Responsibilities also include patrolling assigned areas, gather a bag of evidence, perform sobriety tests to people who seem to be driving under the influence. Annually they receive a salary of $42, 393. To become a deputy sheriff you must first have a high school diploma, valid driver’s license, and have a clean record. The next step is obtaining a degree in any related area. After that you must apply to be a deputy sheriff in any country you have chosen. Shortly after you must go through a background check and be fingerprinted. Then you must be interviewed. Next step is to get hired as a deputy sheriff. Lastly you must have on-the-go training as a deputy sheriff. The need for a deputy sheriff is fairly high. We as citizens constantly need protection from all the evil in the world. When we have times of trouble and need we should be able to turn to a deputy sheriff for assistance. I definitely would not like to become a deputy sheriff.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Student Success Statement
“If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home, if there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation, if there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world."
If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.”

Chinese Proverb
This is a marvelous proverb to live by. When people live their life full of beautiful characteristics they live a life full of peace. When you commit wrong actions then you live a relentless life full of guilt. The guilt does not go away until you suffer from you suffer the repercussions and admit to your wrong actions. If you have peace you can go anywhere and feel truly free. When you have peace stress is not a factor in your life. By having complete freedom you can go anywhere you want and do anything you like. Peace is the most beautiful thing on earth. When you have beautiful characteristics you not only receive peace but you feel complete. Good Characteristics are the actions that you need in your life to feel complete. Every Time you do something good not only do you affect the other person's life in a positive way but you look back and feel gratitude that you did that. An example of this statement would be if you give someone a place to stay for the night. They are so helpless and they are the hand you turn to. By helping them now they will help you in anyway you need in the future. However you will also feel peace for your actions. When you have good characteristics it is insuring that you have peopel to turn to when you are in time of need.

Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Yoga Therapist help their patients keep up with their health and also help them become flexible. They do this by having the patients go through yoga techniques. As a Yoga Therapist you must plan different workouts to fit the needs of all your clients. You must also make sure that all the poses you do are safe for all clients. They must not get hurt by doing any procedure.
The first step in becoming a Yoga Therapist is obtaining your job certificate. Then you must complete certain Yoga programs. In order to be able to teach Yoga you must have a certificate saying you completed 200 hours of practicing Yoga. On the other hand if you want to be a professional Yoga teacher you must have completed 500 hours of practicing Yoga and have a certificate to prove it.
Need for this profession:
The need for this profession is fairly high because certain athletes need to be able to be flexible and Yoga therapists will help them with that. They can also help cure injuries such as sprains or if you are sore. Yoga is needed by everyone. As we populate more and more yoga becomes needed at a higher rate. So the demand is fairly high.

I personally would not like to become a Yoga Therapist. One of my reasons for that is because if someone were to get hurt while taking my yoga class then I would not not how to handle that. Also I am not very well at planning so I would always rush last minute to complete a workout. On the other hand I definitely would like to take a Yoga class. However becoming a Yoga Therapist is not something I would enjoy very much.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Student Success Statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder,”
Thomas Carlyle
This is a marvelous statement. It shows us that as a person if you have no goals then you will just be floating out at sea and will allow the wind to guide you. That is never the right way to live. We must have goals to know what we are aiming to achieve for. When a ship does not have a rudder then it is just drifting in the sea with no point. No one would want to get on a ship without a rudder. As well as no one would want to live a life without goals. When you live your life without goals then that is just a waste of time on your part. An example of this is if during a football game there is no goal posts. There will be no point is playing the game. When you have goals in mind then you will strive for success. By having goals you are allowing them to drive you to your destination. In order to accomplish your goal you have to work hard. Without hard work nothing good will be accomplished in life. Nothing great in life is easy. When you have goals you know what decisions you have to make to achieve your goals. Goals mean determination.

Memorial Day Weekend
Over memorial day weekend I spent two days with my family in Coachella. My mother, two brothers, and I spent Saturday and Sunday morning there. We were all preparing for my cousins Sweet Sixteen. It was a joyous moment because I do not see my family very much so being able to work together yet still have a strong bond is something that I will treasure for a very long time. Coachella in a small city in the desert. Since it was the desert you can already imagine that the weather there was horrible. The heat was starting to get to me since all my life I was only accustomed to California’s cool weather. I have never traveled out of the country so that means California is the only weather I know. The climate change made my stomach turn. Along with the 2 hour and 30 minute drive. Everything is so foreign over there. The part I loved the most was the fact that I got to see the mountains close up. The mountains and hiking are my favorite activity. On Sunday morning we drove out to Cathedral City to have a family breakfast. Once we left I was overjoyed to be home. Later that day me and my friend headed over to the Florence fair. After that I headed to my friends birthday party which was something I enjoyed very well. Then on Monday my family and I has a Barbeque in honor of the veterans. Overall this Memorial Day weekend is something I will remember for a very long time.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Student Success Statement
“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”
Forgive: to stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake
Alan Paton

I think Mr.Paton in the most brilliant person alive. In my opinion he has said the words that go along with all my morals. I think forgiveness is the most beautiful thing is the world. All problems can either be fixed or can leave a deep painful star. People who are broken can not be fixed because they haven’t forgiven the people who wronged them. I believe we should forgive everyone who wrongs us because at some point in our lives we have all wronged someone else. When wrong is done all the people who commit it wish for one thing, forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key to leading an excellent life. By not forgiving you are only hurting yourself more and creating even deeper scars. There is always time to forgive. An example of this marvelous statement would be if someone has spoken lies about you. You should be the bigger person and forgive them because then they will regret their actions and will be forever grateful to you. Another example is if you forgive a family member for harming you in any way. Since they are family forgiveness should always be part of your plan. Forgiveness can impact someone’s life entirely. Everytime you forgive the world is made into a better place. Once you forgive it feels as if you are truly free and you no longer are carrying weights on your shoulders. If you are immensely hurt forgiveness is the first step of healing. Why not forgive because all the times people have you will no longer matter when time has passed. You should never plan to get revenge and just stick to forgiving.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Dare to do right.”
Rex D. Pinegar

All around the world children get dared ar every momet. Now all those dares might not be good. So today Mr.Pinegar dare is for us to do what is right. This statement is very impacting in so many ways. All the dares we accept are the ones that make us prove something or the ones that make us look cool in the eyes of others. Today and onward you should complete the dares that are simply made for choosing the right. Does it truly matter if we look bad in the eyes as others as long as we do what is right. It does not becaus you should not do things for other people but for yourself. In many occasions when people accept to do the wrong dare there can be many repercussions heading their way. No only will you be hurt but the people who care about you will be hurt as well. We can use Mr,Pinegar as an example. He was dared to run across the road faster than the care and he did it but unfortunately he got physically hurt and caused emotional pain on his mother. Another example can be if you are dared to steal something. When you accept that dare you will feel guilty but your family will also feel guilty as well when you get caught. They will be shamed by the society. Just know when you accept a dare your actions not only affect you but the people you care about as well. So in order to avoid all the hassle why not just accept the dare of doing what is right. You will feel at peace and go through no pain. Daring to do what is right can be the key to leading a peaceful life.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Dare to stand alone.”
Thomas S. Monson

This is the best piece of advice anyone can ever give. What Mr.Monson means by this is that in any given situation the best place to be is where you are doing what’s right. No matter what circumstances, such as being alone. It does not matter if you are alone because you will be doing the right thing and will not have a good conscience. When you stick to doing what’s right you will have a peaceful life and not suffer from any repercussions. When you choose to stand alone you are creating a good image for yourself. It does not matter if no one is watching because you know you did the right thing. An example of this statement is if you choose to leave your friends when you see them doing drugs. Another example of this statement is if you stand up for someone when everyone one else is bullying them instead. The best thing to do in any situation is the right thing.
Physical Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Physical therapist specialize in physical injuries or illnesses. They help people who lost certain functions of the body due to accidents. A physical therapist can identify the root of hte problem and come up with a health plan to cure the injury. As a physical therapist they are experts in the body and its functions. Most of the health plans involve and exercises to help gain strength.
The first step in becoming a physical therapist in gaining a bachelor’s degree in a health related field(Ex:Anatomy,Physiology,Biology,Chemistry, or Physics). Next you must complete a doctor or physical therapy degree program. After that you must meet the licence requirements for your state and get your license. Lastly, there are optional things you can do such as complete a residency and obtain a board certificate.
Demand for this profession:
The demand for this profession is fairly high because in the world we live in accidents are a natural part of society. People get in accidents everyday and physical therapists are the ones who help their patients recover from that episode. As we advance more and more into the future there will be so many more accidents and physical therapists are going to be the backs we rely on. The more we populate means the higher the demand gets.
The physical therapist is a job I would love to pursue. By becoming one I can do what I love which is helping people in need. I personally find the body and how it functions very interesting. If I become a  physical therapist I will be following my passions. This allows me to have fun while doing my job. Plus I will have the satisfaction that I had a good impact in many people’s lives.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Student Success Statement
“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right, I’m going to succeed.”
Dan Dierdorf

What Mr.Dierdorf means by this statement is that no matter what your goals are, if they are good then you will always succeed. The good things you want in your life will always happen. If you wish for something that is whole heartedly good then people will want to help you accomplish your goals. When you pursue what is good then you will excel and succeed. When your intentions are good then there is no way you can fail. An example of this is if you want to get a computer to finish school work then your parents will want to buy it for you since your intentions are good. Another example is if you pursue your goal journals then everything else that is hanging on the side that keeps you from succeeding then it will fall into line eventually. However if your goals are bad then nothing good will come from  them and you will have a lot of repercussions. By doing what is good you will receive great outcomes. On the other hand if you have bad intentions then nothing good will come your way. Everything will eventually catch up with you, no matter good or bad.
Military Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities:
These nurses can work in many different fields, such as trauma and pediatrics. Nurses who work in a base clinic aid families that have a member in the military. They can also be stationed to work in combat and provide first aid to wounded soldiers. What you do can be determined by what you choose to specialize in.
The first step in becoming a military nurse is being a US Citizen. Next you need to obtain a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in nursing. Then you must attend programs that teach you what to do on the job. After that other programs may be required. After that you need to become a registered nurse by passing the National Council Licensure Examination for RNs. Once you have passed the exam you must obtain your license.
Demand for this career:
The demand for a registered nurse is fairly high. The more people join the army means that there is more help that must be required for these veterans. As a nurse they are in charge of saving tons of life everyday. When a soldier is wounded the nurse is the one there to help. Military Nurses have a high demand.
The Military Nurse is a job I would definitely want to pursue. They make a huge difference. I have the chance to make a huge difference and save the lives of soldiers who are fighting for our country. By becoming a military nurse I am also serving my country while not having my life at risk. Also as a military nurse I can do something I love doing while also being highly rewarded. My passion is helping people in need. When I help other people not only do they feel good but I feel good because I know I made a huge difference in many people’s lives.  

Monday, May 15, 2017

Student Success Statement
Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips
  1. Work Hard
  2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
  3. Don't chase after money
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.

Mr.Riggs has just gave us the greatest keys to success anyone has ever given. The first onis to work hard. Not everything in life will be easy but you have to be the one that makes them easy on you by working hard. Not great in life was got easily by doing nothing, it all came from sacrifices and work. His second tip is to follow your passion. Again this is a great key to success because there is no point in wasting your life doing something you hate. If you do things you hate then you will not try very hard and a bad reputation will be created on you. His third tip is to not chase after money. In my opinion this is the best tip anyone can ever give. When instead you chase after doing what you love money will be only a cause to your sadness. Life will be better off on yourself if you do what you love because then money will follow soon after. Deep down we all know money is the root of our chaos and sadness. By doing what you love your are putting your all into it which will make it turn out great. Lastly he said that you should serve others. When you serve others they will serve you back. By helping others you will automatically be in their minds when an opportunity comes their way. Putting others needs ahead of yours is like assuring that they will do the exact same. Serving others brings happiness and prosperity in your life. An example of this is when you help someone that is in times of need them they will be forever grateful and will want to do whatever they can to make you happy.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Student Success Statement
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
Dennis Prager

What Mr.Prager is trying to display is that good values will take you anywhere and everywhere you want to go. Without good values you will get nowhere in like no matter how talented you are. However if you have good values but you are not talented in any way it will not matter because you have good values. Values are what you find are most important. If you have good values then you are a person of good. Even though everyday people fight with their values and feelings. The hardest choice to make is usually the best choice to make. Values are the most important part of any person. We all have values. Even though our values may not always be good there is time to change our values. The only time you should keep your values is when they are good.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Student Success Statement
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt
By this statement Mr.Roosevelt means that when you have a hard time choosing the decision you should always make is the right one. No decision that is right will be easy to make. You know a decision is right because it is hard to complete. A right decision should be made out of effort. We have all came to the point in our lives where we have to decide on doing what we really want or doing what we truly know is right. You should do what is right because if you do otherwise you will feel guilty for it and regret the decision you make. An example of this would be if  you find an expensive phone without a passcode but you know who it belongs to. You should return it because if you do not you will have a guilty conscious for the rest of your life. If you know something isn’t right then just don’t do it. It's better to wait then go through a lot of pain your whole life. Another example would be if you have to decide on studying for an important test or going out to have a fun time. It is better to stay home and study because you will gain nothing if you go out. When you make the right choice you will be rewarded with a higher prize than anything you can possibly think of. Peace of mind is the greatest reward. Nothing is gained for owing any expensive object.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
Wilford Woodford

What Mr.Woodford is trying to say that when you do what’s wrong you only go backward and down. No progress is done. Only by learning from people’s mistakes is when you are better off because you know what not to do and can only go up. Another personal quote from that means the same thing is ‘The only thing you gain from doing what’s wrong is the knowledge of what’s right. ‘ This means that you can only learn from your mistakes. Even though you only gain knowledge it's the most powerful thing you can learn and have. An example of this statement would be if you decide to start doing drugs. You can not gain higher in life because you will feel guilt for your actions and wish you can take them back. Another example would be if you cheat on any exam. The only thing you will gain is a bad mark on your permanent record. Even though you get a good score now it will not be worth all the hassle in the future. Something we should all remember before making a decision would be that we can never take back what we say or do no matter how much regret we have. We should always think before we speak.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Student Success Statement
“It’s A GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”
Pam Knox
Head Softball Coach Western Oregon
This quote shows us that the most important thing we can do in life is the right thing. No matter how great something might make us feel if it is wrong it is not right. When you win it doesn’t matter how good it makes you feel, all that matters is that it's right. An example of this is if you win the spelling bee but you cheated. This is not right because you won the wrong way. Another example of this is if you are a professional player but you got there by doing drugs. This is neither right because you got help from an outside force beside yourself. However when you speak up for doing something good, this moment is the best of all time. An example of this is if you speak up for donating money to a family who desperately needed it.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Student Success Statement
“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor.’ I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground-there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first.”
Karl G. Maeser

This statement tells us that you can escape any restriction or punishment, but you can not escape your word. Your word is the most powerful thing in this world. When you promise something you must go through with it and never do otherwise. If you get in any punishment you will eventually escape and blow it away. However if you give someone your word there is no way out of that. Your word is something you should always strive to follow. If you can not trust your own word what makes you think other people will believe it as well.n By giving someone your word there is no loop hole around it. That's why it is important to think about what you say before it comes out of your mouth. When you do not follow your word you will feel guilty and lose all respect and trust that people have on you. An example of this statement is if you promise your parents to stay home and study for finals a whole month and not go out. By following your word you will gain more respect, trust, and freedom from your parents as well as achieve greatness because you will most definitely score well. When you follow your word good things will come your way that will make you overjoyed. However an example of not following your word is if you promise your parents you will not lay a finger on alcohol until you are no longer a minor but decide to go against your word. All freedom will be striped from you and your parents will no longer believe your word. When you break a promise no good will come from it. Only bad that will make you feel guilty and regret your decision for the rest of your life. Once something is broken it can never be truly repaired. By breaking a promise people will never look at you the same way again.  

Thursday, April 27, 2017

      The 10 Indian Commandments
1.Treat the Earth and all dwells therein with respect.
2.Remain close to the Great Spirit.
3.Show great respect to your fellow beings.
4.Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5.Give assistance and kindness wherever needed,.
6.Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well-being of mind and being.
8. Dedicate a share of efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibilities for your actions.
In my opinion being a CTR person is basically following all 10 commandments. Even before the CTR oath people had their way of life build open it. If we lived in a world where everyone followed the 10 Indian Commandments then there would be world peace all around the world. The commandments tell us to help in every way and anyway we can. They also tell us that we should be fully responsible of what we do and accept all the consequences. The Indians had and have an excellent way of life. Some people wonder how they are still around even after all the tribulations they have gone through. Today I have found the answer to that question. The Indians have stuck around for so long thanks to the 10 Commandments. They learned to live as a family and to help anyone in need. There was no war betweens Indians because they all settled their differences. When you live a peaceful life it will be a happy life. One example of following the 5th Indian commandment is helping by donating to charity or as small as helping someone carry their groceries. An example of following the 9th commandment is being honest when you breaks something that belongs to someone else instead of hiding the evidence. When you live by the 10 Commandments you will live a happy log life.