
Thursday, April 27, 2017

      The 10 Indian Commandments
1.Treat the Earth and all dwells therein with respect.
2.Remain close to the Great Spirit.
3.Show great respect to your fellow beings.
4.Work together for the benefit of all mankind.
5.Give assistance and kindness wherever needed,.
6.Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well-being of mind and being.
8. Dedicate a share of efforts to the greater good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibilities for your actions.
In my opinion being a CTR person is basically following all 10 commandments. Even before the CTR oath people had their way of life build open it. If we lived in a world where everyone followed the 10 Indian Commandments then there would be world peace all around the world. The commandments tell us to help in every way and anyway we can. They also tell us that we should be fully responsible of what we do and accept all the consequences. The Indians had and have an excellent way of life. Some people wonder how they are still around even after all the tribulations they have gone through. Today I have found the answer to that question. The Indians have stuck around for so long thanks to the 10 Commandments. They learned to live as a family and to help anyone in need. There was no war betweens Indians because they all settled their differences. When you live a peaceful life it will be a happy life. One example of following the 5th Indian commandment is helping by donating to charity or as small as helping someone carry their groceries. An example of following the 9th commandment is being honest when you breaks something that belongs to someone else instead of hiding the evidence. When you live by the 10 Commandments you will live a happy log life.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Student Success Statement
“A promise must never be broken.”
Alexander Hamilton

What Mr.Hamilton means by this statement is that many things in this life can be broken but a promise is something that should never be broken. At any extent you come to you should never break a promise. When you make a promise you are giving your word, people will count on you. A word is the most powerful thing you can give. An example of this if you tell your friend you are going to be at a certain place to volunteer but don’t show up then you will have broken a promise. However an example of not breaking a promise is if you promise your mom you will stay home and study but then get invited out by your friends but decide to study instead. When you break a promise to someone the pain you give them hurts the most. Breaking a promise will make you feel guilty for the rest of your life. By breaking a promise people start to lose respect for you and will no longer trust you. If you break a promise why should people keep the promises they make towards you?
Orthopedic Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities:
Orthopedic Surgeons operate surgery and treat body parts that have to do with the muscular system. They diagnose and treat muscular diseases that may be occurring. Some responsibilities they have are study patients medical history, create health plans and recommend ways they can change their lifestyle, and prescribe drugs and medicine.
In order to become an Orthopedic Surgeon you must first obtain your high school diploma. After that you must get your Bachelor's Degree. Then you must complete a residency. IN order to get licensed you must pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
Demand for this Profession:
The need for Orthopedic Surgeons is at average. The employment rate is 41%. This tells us that even though they are needed needed not to the extent of people not getting unemployed. Even though it is a well paying job the unemployment rate is still present,

The Orthopedic Surgeon is definitely a job I would not want to pursue. One of my reasons for this is because I do not feel comfortable with the fact that I would have to complete surgeons. Also the pressure is present telling me I can ruin someone's life. Another reason is because I do not like the schedule they live by.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
Henry David Thoreau
This statement means that if you choose to do good it will never go wrong for you. You can fail in any other investment but if you make a good investment it will never fail you. Making a good investment is something that will always succeed and never fail. An an example of this is if you decide to donate money to children hospitals. This is a good investment because by donating money you are saving many lives of innocents. Another example of this is if you spend your spare time doing chores for your parents. This is also a good investment because you are doing chores when your parents have sacrificed their lives for you so doing chores is the least you can do to repay them. A good investment is helping people without expecting things in return. When you make a good investment you will feel great and be glad you made that choice. By making good investments you will live your life in peace and be happy.
Duties and Responsibilities:
As an orthodontist you are going to focus on the teeth and cavity anomalies. Other task you will complete include study diagnosis records, analyze this data to come up with a treatment plan, and use procedures to return teeth to functioning properly. There many other tasks as well some are diagnosing teeth/jaw abnormalities, give patients treatment plans/costs, and aline dental services along with other health services.
$192,600 Annually
The first step in becoming an orthodontist is graduating high school and receiving your certificate. Next you need to complete 4 years of dental school. Then you need to have experience in treating patients for the last 2 years of dental school. Lastly you need to get a dental license by completing the 4 years at a registered dental school and passing clinical tests.
Need for this Profession:
The need for the orthodontist will always be high. Everyone needs to get their teeth taken care of and checked. Teeth are a very important part of the human body. Since the need will always be high if you decide to become an orthodontist you will always have a job and never be unemployed. However it is a guaranteed job but that does not mean you are required not to work hard. Since it is a guaranteed job you have to work hard because competition will always be present.

The orthodontist is a career pathway I would most definitely would want to pursue. The human teeth amaze me and I think it would be nice to be able to see how they function. Also I would want to learn about how cavities are caused. Becoming an Orthodontist is a job that I would consider my passion which would make me want to work hard to become one.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Student Success Statement
“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular, you make them because they are right.”
Theodore Hesburgh
(Former President of Notre Dame)

What Mr.Hasburgh means by this statement is that the only thing that should influence your decision is if it is the right thing to do. When you make your decision based on CTR then it will always be the right choice and you will be happy. As we once learned the decisions we make will determine who we are. So if we make a good decision that will influence us to continue making the right choices which will shape us into good people. An example of this quote is if your mom tells you to clean your room and you will get rewarded. You should not do it for the reward but because it is the right thing to do. Another example is if you find a missing dog and decide to call the owner. The decision should not be made because of the money but because it's the right thing to do. In any decision you make it should not be made out of greed but because it's the right thing to do. I f you make your decisions off greed then you will feel rotten and regret it later. One thing you should remember when making a decision is when you do or say something you can never take it back so choose wisely.
Optometry Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
As an Optometric Assistant you work in facilities that provide care for the eye. Some job duties you would complete are recording and measuring vision, teaching patients how to clean and insert contact lenses, and preparing examination rooms. Other duties you would have to accomplish are helping optometrist conduct diagnosis experiments, testing eye function, and cleaning equipment. These are only some duties you would have to complete, there are many more.
In order to become an optometric assistant you must first obtain your high school diploma. Then you must 1-2 years of community college in optometry. A recommended requirement is enrolling in programs to help your optometry skills improve.
Demand for this Profession:
The need for this profession is growing.  It has had a 23% increase meaning that as the job rate increases the demands are increasing as well. So if you decide to pursue a job as an  Optometric Assistant assistant you will not be out of a job.
Becoming an Optometric Assistant is  a job I definitely would not like to pursue. My reason for this is because I do not think I would like to work in taking care of the eye. If I do not have any passion towards it why do it. This career does not appeal towards me.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Student Success Statement
“It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound and good, and unpopular that which is unsound (not good).”
Joseph Smith

This quote by Mr. Smith tells us that we should all do our part and focus on making things that good popular all around the world. Why should we pay so much attention on irrelevant actions and objects? The sad truth is that we do not give doing what is right much attention. The less and less we do what is right we become oblivious to others feelings and see CTW as a way of life. However we are still at time to fix our human race and have humanity once again. There are many solutions to this CTW problems. One act we can accomplish is volunteering during your spare times to CTR foundations. Also we can easily just clean up after ourselves. Additionally we should think before we speak or act to make sure no one’s feelings are being hurt along the process. By making good actions popular it will spread like wildfire and people will want to commit themselves to become a CTR person.
School Break Days
During Spring Break I spent my free time wandering with my friends. We also went hiking where there was many places filled with nature. Besides that my friends and I went to places such as the park, mall, and etcetera. My friend and I also spent time watching netflix and entertaining ourselves with movies and shows we came to love. While I stayed home my mom also taught me how to cook a variety of different dishes. During Spring Break I was just enjoying being able to relax and be free. Spring Break provides us with the opportunity to catch up on our sleep and not worry about finishing work. On Friday my friends and I went out to celebrate easter since we wouldn’t be seeing each other. Even though my break was relaxing I felt at peace because I committed a CTR action. As my mom and I were coming home from the market I found a phone that did not have a passcode. Others in this position would restart it claim it as their new property. However I waited to for the owner to call me and I returned it. The owner felt relieved to have his phone back which also made me feel well because I know I really did make someone's day. Since I really did not have internet connection I spent time focusing and writing in my goals journal. By doing this I was overjoyed to have accomplished some of my goals and have the opportunity to write new goals that I hope to achieve.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Duties and Responsibilities:
Optometrists are in charge of checking the eyes and any other part that has to do with the visual system. Additionally they treat any problems that have to do with the eye. Also they prescribe glasses or contacts lenses that a patient might need. The optometrist can also perform small surgeries to help correct a patient’s vision. As an optometrist  they are also in charge of providing treatment for the eye.
$103,900 Annually
First you must earn an Undergraduate Degree, with at least 3 years of undergraduate school. Then you must pass the Optometry Admission Test. After that you are required to go to and Complete Optometry School. Lastly you must pass the become a licensed Optometrist.
Demand for this Profession:
The demand for this profession is fairly high. Research shows that the job rate for Optometrists is 27% percent over average. This tells us that the need for the optometrist is growing rapidly. So if you choose to become an optometrist you will have a job and not be without a job.
The optometrist is a career I would definitely like to pursue. One of my reasons is because I personally am thankful for them because I need glasses and they have helped me. By becoming one I can help people like I have been helped. I have the opportunity to make a great impact in someone’s life and help them prosper. Additionally I find the human eye interesting.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Student Success Statement
“Character is higher than intellect.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What Mr.Emerson is trying to tell us is that we can be the smartest person in the world but without a great character you will get nowhere. By having a good character you have good habits and will want to do the right things. Then by doing the right things you give yourself reasons to work hard and accomplish anything you want. Just by having a good character you can become intelligent by working hard. Nothing in this world is given, you have to work hard for what you want. An example of this can be if your valedictorian but you have a horrible attitude than people will not want to look up to you or be around you. Another example is being classified as honors but not going to class or behaving well in school. Lastly an example would be doing great in school but when you get on the streets you become a different person and behave bad. In reality intelligence does not matter the single bit, but character matters the most. If you have a bad character then people will assume you are a bad person and will not give you any opportunities to prove yourself. Character is what will guide your future in this world.