
Friday, January 20, 2017

“Make your passion your profession.”
What is your passion and why it is a passion of yours?
My passion is cooking and baking. It is my passion because you can be creative and explore new ideas that everyone can eat and enjoy. Cooking and Baking lets you express yourself through food.
How can you make this passion become your profession?
I can make cooking and baking my profession by excelling how to make different food from different cultures. After you excel in making delectable food I can go to Culinary School, which will help me perfect my food and get my certified degree. Once I get my degree I can then become an Executive Chef and maybe even open my own restaurant which I will then turn into a chain that will be global.    
What education is required?
In order to become a chef I must pursue a career in Culinary Arts. I can do that by first having Prior Learning. After that I have to get certified. Then I must acquire a Technical Diploma. After accomplishing that I must then get my Associate Degree. Finally I can go through with the last step which is achieving my Bachelor’s Degree.
What skills, talents, and attitudes are required?
In order to become a chef you need contain the skill at being able to cook and bake. You require the talent at criticising anyone’s food and your own then finding solutions as to how to make it better. Attitude wise I need to be able to brush off any problems I have faced the day before and continue with more enthusiasm than any of the days before.
I am willing to start a career in the Culinary Arts no matter what the location is. Another thing I am willing to do is become a Chef no matter how much I get paid because it is my passion and I will pursue it. Additionally I am willing to learn who to make food from different cultures no matter how hard or easy the task is. Lastly something I am willing to do is get the education that is required.   


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